Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Other Realities

Okay, I'll admit to being a "Lost" fanatic (does that make me a "Loser"?). I love mind-fucking themes that deal with time travel and alternate realities.
And so my mind wanders until connections are made between favored and savored concepts. One of these is the idea that I have had, since my relationship with the Atlantic Hotel, is that the building is located on some sort of rift or continuum (nod to fans of Torchwood) that explains the subtle but delightfully eerie quality the place possesses. It's like one of those rooms from the movie "The Matrix" in which Neo and Morpheus meet to discuss what is real and what is not.
I've wondered if one of Death's shades lives there, undetected, staid, and ultimately benevolent. I've mused about unnoticed passages that lead to some ancient and solemn secret. Another reason the Atlantic is so timeless, however tap rooted into the past it might matter how many years stack up between the present and the past, the Atlantic Hotel continues to evolve in memory and serve as muse to many souls.

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